Frogs in February!

On the 15th of February I heard one.  It was late in the afternoon, the sun had already begun sinking in the sky.  I was sitting on the back porch wondering just how much longer Winter’s grasp would hold us and then a lone, barely audible croak came from the creek across the road! I strained my ears to see if what I thought I heard was really what I heard.

Sure enough, once the house fan stopped running and the neighbors dog quieted down, I could hear several frogs croaking, weakly, but croaking!

This may sound silly, but each February, late in the month, I wait to hear the sounds of the frogs croaking because it means that winter is slowly losing it’s frosty grip on the seasons and that Spring and sunnier, warmer weather is just around the bend!

Four years ago in 2007 we moved from the hurried, rat race life in the suburbs of Atlanta, Ga to a small 11 acre farm in the Foothills of the Great Smoky Mtns in East TN.  To be honest its been a love/hate relationship, but one of the things I do love is the change in the seasons and my favorite change is the one from Winter to Spring.  We moved here in a frigid January and come the end of the that February I noticed the sound of the frogs and every year since I have learned to listen for the sounds of croaking.

So forgive me if I am flighty over the frogs of February, but my days are getting longer, the nights are not 17 degrees and the prospect of sunny, warm days just make me feel better!

This week I have been continuing my online journey of blogging and learning how to run an online business.  I always learn a lot and this week is no exception!

I have studied Augmented Humanity with Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google and Everett Bogue of Far Beyond the Stars.  Augmented humanity in a nutshell is the way that computers are helping us to create new ways of living on and offline, ie. Smart Phones, Internet business, working from anywhere with a laptop etc.  It’s really an exciting subject and one that always keeps me coming back for more! Click on any of the links above to read or listen to a more in depth explanation.

I have learned about the launch of the new website Ebookling, a place for ebook authors to get read and for readers to read and even make money if they share an ebook link that someone follows and makes a purchase they can make a commission!   Very cool as I love to read and make money! It’s just been launched and look forward to seeing how their grand experiment goes.  I read about three new launches of Ebook type websites this week actually… The Domino Project is Seth Godin’s newest project with  And, which is gaining momentum as a place to go for the latest cutting ideas and information from around the world, has launched Ted Books, a place for “short nonfiction books for designed for digital distribution” for only  $2.99 each!  But, as these three launch I also read about my favorite real life book store going into bankruptcy, Borders! So, the world spins faster and things come and things go.

I read a very informative post from Johnathan at, but the part that really inspired me was at the very end where he gave a short, sweet nutshell of the trend that is happening right now in the internet world…here, I will just let him say it!

“There is a growing movement of people saying goodbye to traditional work environments and creating meaningful self employment. More and more people are leaving the mind-numbing industrial work complex and creating work that’s deeply significant for themselves. And even more people are ditching the “mind renting” model and joining an interdependent web of free agents that support each other with their unique gifts and talents.”

Well said Johnathan and that is right where I am! On the hunt to harness the beast to create an online income for myself and so I can live and work from anywhere. It was encouraging to know that I am not alone and that it is actually possible, and that’s what I am doing.  Little by little, day by day…giving myself an online education, mostly for free, about how to create an e-business and live on the edge of life utilizing this amazing invention called the World Wide Web.  This is my journey…

One last thing I learned this week was from Corbet Barr at Corbet

He wrote an article called “5 Steps to Online Success” with some really sweet and simple ideas on living online. But the thing that really stood out to was the following…

“Once you’ve committed to the journey… make the journey your new reality and know that if you do your best, you’ll succeed no matter what.  Failure doesn’t exist if you consider every failure a building block towards your ultimate success.  You owe it to yourself to live the life you know down deep you were meant to live.  Every day you aren’t radiantly alive and pursuing your life’s purpose is a day wasted.”

So, I’ve committed to the journey, I am joining a movement of people looking to design their own lifestyle online and I am learning to live in a new way, like no other generation has had the opportunity to live like before now!

Cheers to frogs, sunshine and Ebookling!


(Photo Credit: Gary Yankech on Flickr)


Big Beautiful Valentine!

Well, I have to make a confession!

Valentine’s Day is my very favorite holiday of the year.

It sounds a little silly… but it’s true.

I love this day because it’s usually a happy, light-hearted kind of day.  It’s not overwhelming for me like Christmas, there are no great big meals to prepare, and there are only simple gifts to give from the heart for whomever you chose!

I started celebrating Valentine’s Day last weekend when I went to visit my sister in Georgia.  We had a wonderful creative weekend, ate great good, shopped and exchanged fun, meaningful gifts with each other.

I think I also like this holiday because it is getting much closer to Spring and warmer weather and longer days.  Everyone looks forward to that I would suppose.  And the weather where I am this weekend has been an absolute dream!

I did some meditating in my hot tub this morning and welcomed the  bright, beautiful day.

I find the more I take that time to center myself and call balance and peace into my life each morning , the more prepared I am for the day! Plus it’s pretty easy to find it when you have a big, warm sun coming over the horizon to get you started!

I also ran across this fun blog called Down Dog Blog.  Its a small light hearted blog, but she has some simple ideas for practicing yoga/meditation at home.

Here is an excerpt:

“Developing a home practice can be challenging.  Usually, I have to feel the stars aligning in order to find the space (mental and physical) to practice at home.  But I know it’s important so lately I have been doubling down my efforts to acknowledge my resistance and work through it.

One of my issues was the space, so I designated a yoga corner in the living room. This way, I don’t have to move furniture in order to practice.  The corner is free and clear of clutter with a mat or two rolled up in the corner, an eye pillow, strap, and usually a few yoga books for reference.”

The other thing I ran across that I found very provocative and very true was a post by Johnathan Fields called “A Love Poem for Entrepreneurs”.  It  made me curious, drew me in and then made me laugh. Check out Johnathan at

A Love Poem for Entrepreneurs

Tease me. Lure me. Consume me.

Driven breathless into your arms. Why can’t I stop thinking of you.

To awaken at night and feel you wrapped around me.

Warm breath pouring across me. Tingling.

Please. I beg of you. I love you. But let me sleep.

And yet, at daybreak. You linger.

What joy….



In your grip.

I cannot stop thinking about you.

My head fills. Spinning. Whirling. Relentless.

Heart rapt. Singing. Breaking. Opening. Closing.

Shattering. Exalting. Always back for more.

Sorrow. Bliss. We dance. We play.

Why do I keep returning?

So much you’ve given. So much you’ve taken.

Yet still. I yearn. And return.

To call you once more by your name.


We are, I pray. I fear. Bound for life.

What joy.

With that I bid you adieu until another day!

Live your Moments! Your life is Now!



Photo credit: Vanessa Pike Russell (you can find more of her work at or click on link)

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